Rydym yn gweithio i ddatblygu rhwydwaith hyfforddi a chyfnewid ym maes agro-ecoleg ar draws y DU, i gynnwys ffermwyr, tyfwyr, coedwigwyr a gweithwyr y tir sy’n ymarfer dulliau ffermio a rheolaeth tir agro-ecolegol. Nod y rhwydwaith yw llenwi rhai o’r bylchau sydd mewn hyfforddiant agro-ecolegol, yn ogystal ag annog arloesedd ac arfer orau trwy gyfnewidfeydd a dysgu rhwng cymheiriaid.
See the calendar for upcoming events or contact your regional coordinator for groups in your area.
Farmer-to-farmer groups create opportunities for low-cost peer-to-peer exchange. A number of groups have been set up around the country and we are working to develop more. Groups generally get together at the beginning of the year to decide on who will be hosting sessions and what topics they will look at. The groups then meet up at members farms on a monthly basis to explore the topics, share experiences and look at practical examples.
Mae grwpiau ffermwr i ffermwr yn syml i’w trefnu ac nid oes costau sylweddol ynghlwm â’u gweithrediad. Maent yn arf effeithiol ar gyfer rhannu profiadau a gyrru arloesedd a chydweithio.
A mentoring relationship between experienced practitioners and new entrants in the first years of running a land-based enterprise is extremely valuable and can have a significant impact on the development of the business and the success of the new entrant. We are working to develop mentoring schemes that partner experienced practitioners with new entrants for farm visits and support in setting up enterprises and troubleshooting in the first years. Information about mentoring opportunities will be accessible to LWA members as they become available.