We have developed a program of expert-led farmer to farmer online workshops.
The aim of these webinars is to enable farmers to identify what changes and adaptations they can make to build resilience into their farm businesses. The webinars also provide a crucial space for farmers to meet, and be supported in building peer-to-peer networks.
The webinars are all free to attend, but please sign up to the program to gain access to the sessions. For more information, please email bella.thompson@staging.landworkersalliance.org.uk
Integrating trees
Wednesday 16th February, 7pm – 9pm
Speakers: Will Simonson, Organic Research Centre and Andy Dibbens, Abbey Home Farm
This session will look at how you can integrate trees into your farming system including on farm woodland and hedgerow management and agroforestry. We’ll also be looking at how to leverage payments on farm trees and how to access carbon payments.